Legal Terms & Conditions is a service mark of Avenge Digital, LLC. All trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos displayed on this site are proprietary or licensed to Avenge Digital, LLC, except for those of the insurance carriers, agent, brokers, industry organizations, associations, health care institutions, and other service companies, which are service marks or trademarks of their respective entities. The name, trademarks, service marks and logos of Avenge Digital LLC and any of the insurance companies represented by Avenge Digital LLC may not be used in any advertising or publicity, or otherwise for any commercial use by other insurance agent or brokers. Any such use is prohibited by federal trademark and copyright law. This site is a copyrighted publication of Avenge Digital, LLC. No portion of this site or any news or information displayed on this site may be published, broadcast, duplicated, photocopied, faxed, downloaded, uploaded, distributed, transmitted or redistributed in any way for any purpose without Avenge Digital, LLC’s prior express written permission. The content presented on this site is that of Avenge Digital, LLC and not necessarily that of the participating insurance carriers. However, certain content is presented by insurance carriers, agents, brokers, industry organizations, service providers and educational institutions, and that content is solely that of the respective entity providing the content.

General Disclaimer; No Warranties; Limited Liability is a web site where small business and consumers can research various health insurance choices and health insurance companies. Not withstanding any language to the contrary, nothing contained herein constitutes nor is intended to constitute an offer, inducement, promise, or contract of any kind, or a recommendation to purchase insurance from any particular insurance company at any particular level of benefits or plan design. Avenge Digital, LLC and its affiliates intend that the general and insurance specific information contained in on this web site be accurate and reliable, however, Avenge Digital, LLC makes no representations as to the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the web site materials and its links. Avenge Digital, LLC periodically amends, changes, adds, delete, updates or alters the information, including with out limitation, the terms and conditions of use, at the web site without notice. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, the company disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Avenge Digital, LLC does not warrant that this site, its servers, or e-mail sent from the company are free of viruses or other harmful components. The company will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages, even if the company is made aware of the possibility of such damages. Avenge Digital, LLC is not an insurance company. Avenge Digital, LLC is not responsible for payment of any claims a user may have relating to insurance purchased through this site.

Existing Insurance Coverage



This web site is brought to you by the following licensed brokers in each respective state, which require insurance transactions to be conducted through a licensed agent/broker. Each agent/ broker is associated with Avenge Digital, LLC, with its principal place of business at 

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